Shaping Life is the main international conference organized by the French Society for Developmental Biology (SFBD), every 4 years. It aims at bringing together leading scientists and junior researchers to discuss original results and emerging concepts relevant to developmental biology in a broad sense. Scheduled sessions will include “Stem Cells, Lineages & Regeneration”, “Morphogenesis”, “Physiology & Metabolism”, “New Tools & Technologies”, “Evo Devo & Emerging Models”, “Gene Regulation”. 

Co-organized by the Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM), the conference attracted for its two first editions in Marseille in 2016 and 2021 an international audience of about 200 participants. The third edition will be organized in June 3-6 2025, in Cassis, a small picturesque village on the coast near Marseille. The conference center (Ousteau Calendal) will be in the marina of Cassis, facing the Mediterranean Sea. We hope that this outstanding venue will favour a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and inspire fruitful discussions.

The Organizing Committee